In the era of social media hyped street photos, we have grown accustomed to seeing something everyday from our favorite accounts. I don’t post very regular anymore so I don’t have that problem with my account but some do. I see people posting literally every day on some accounts and I wonder just how they can collect so many good photos. I went out today and came away with nothing at all.
You see, these days I normally take a camera everywhere I go. Today was different though, I didn’t know the itinerary at all so rather than bring camera gear that bakes in the sun while stored in the car, I opted to leave my cameras at home. This left me with nothing but my smart phone to take photos with tempted to take straight photos with it on Broadway in Nashville, but came away with nothing but junk. They are so bad that I am not even sharing them in this blog post and have already deleted them from my phone, you have to understand that sometimes you just come away with nothing
I am not sure what the premise is that has led people to believe that they need to come away with banger photos every single outing or they are a failure. Somewhere along the way people got mixed up in understanding that. People have to be willing to except that they don’t always get a cool photo. For me, that was today.
You have to be willing to not come away a photo if you shoot street. If your not, then you will start to feel like a failure and that is counterproductive to say the least. I mean, if you are not coming away happy then why are you doing it at all? Simple rational I know, but it works for me. So get out there and take some photos.